Flower number 10: circus trees!

There's a chance you might know Gilroy, CA because it's just south of the bay area, or because it's the last stop on CalTrain. If you are a jazz enthusiast, you might know that it's the birthplace of Ivie Anderson and her beautiful style. What I do know is that anyone who has ever driven through Gilroy, California will immediately remember, no, I mean, smell that it is "The Garlic Capital of the World".  But, something I found out, on my recent return to the central coast, was that it's also home to Circus Trees.

Once the enchanted creation of "tree-shaper" Axel Erlandson, the beautiful living pieces of art were fostered and adopted by architect Mark Primack. Read all about it, or travel to the agricultural center of the world, on the central coast of California, and see these fun trees for yourself at Gilroy Gardens.

Not a circus tree, but definitely a good one:

And yes, Ferdinand would be pleased to see there are even Spanish Corks.

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